
Skype Meet Now

  Skype Meet Now feature The use of the Skype, owned by The Microsoft, did not increase as much as zoom, even though it introduced a feature like Zoom during the Release of the Corona virus. This feature enables users to host and share free video meetings on only 3 clicks, which does not require installing or signing up for an account. Skype for Business Edition Paperback But now Microsoft has decided to improve the Skype feature further. The new Beta of Windows 10 is about to start testing The Meet Now in the task bar. That is, you can contact and call people by simply clicking the button in the notification area on the desktop. It is not clear whether the icon will be for those already using the skype or will be required for everyone. This will be known only during the testing of this feature in the coming weeks

The world’s largest Tech companies

  Tech companies  Which are the world’s largest companies? New report has emerged, the major technology companies operating globally, and interestingly, the brand value of these companies has increased. Interbrand’s annual Best Global Brand report has come out in the public eye, with the performance of companies in the technology sector showing. The list includes an estimate of the brand value of more than 100 companies by Interbrand, but here are 10 top Technology sector companies mentioned 1. Apple  2. Amazon  3. Microsoft  4. Google  5. Samsung  6. Intel  7. Facebook  8. IBM  9. Cisco  10. SAP

Supervisory control for Instagram

  The first supervisory control for Instagram was announced by Meta, which will allow parents to monitor the time spent on their children's social networks. In a blog post, Meta announced that the company is introducing new features for young people and parents who use Instagram. These new features will give parents more control of the Instagram app by empowering them to limit their Instagram usage times. Meta said that the rental control is currently issued in the United States. These features will be available globally by the end of the year. Instagram released its first parental control, giving parents the option to see how much time their children were spending on the app. According to this feature, parents could determine the time to see how much their children were following it. In addition, children could also inform parents about the inappropriate behaviors they were having. In the latest update, parents will have to seek permission from children to apply this feature, and

WhatsApp group voice call

  WhatsApp group  WhatsApp updated features in its group voice call. Adding new tools to the group call feature is aimed at addressing the difficulties faced during the conversation. WhatsApp's changes to group voice calls come after improvements made year-over-year ago. WhatsApp recently released an update on WhatsApp data transfer from Android to iPhone. Now recent changes have brought out in group voice call by Messaging app. After the changes, a banner notification will now appear when a person joins the group voice call. Earlier it was possible that if the conversation were going on extensively and offscreen, someone would be left attending the call and you would go on talking without this idea. Now a large notification will appear to indicate that someone has joined the call. It will be in big chats and will happen even if no one's name is on the list appearing on the screen. WhatsApp will soon introduce another feature that will turn off other people's voices. This m

Watching your Facebook profile

  In this modern era, the use of smartphones has increased significantly, the phone is used not only for calls and messages but also for other purposes. The availability of smartphones and internet has also increased the number of social media users, with users using social media platforms. On social media, you connect with other strangers, Facebook is also a platform where you can share your thoughts. Security is taken care of on Facebook. However, most people are secretly checking the profiles of others. If you also want to know who is viewing your Facebook profile and photos, a simple truck is available. Let us learn more about it. Find out who is looking at your Facebook profile : • To find out who is viewing your Facebook profile picture, first open the Web version of Facebook in your desktop. • Then go to the web version and log in with your Facebook ID and password. • Click right after you log in to Facebook. Here you will see different options. Click viewsource option. •

Useful Google Chrome Feature

  Google’s Chrome browser is the most used for web surfing worldwide. People open multiple tabs using the Internet, and it is difficult to find the required tab. Google has added a new search feature to Chrome to solve this problem. Google Chrome is being replaced with a new button that will help you search for a pre-open tab. Click on this button and type the title, after which the tab you want will be searched. Google says the feature will be introduced to chrome box users first and will be delivered to users of other desktop operating systems later. For this purpose, open the chrome://flags/#scrollable-tabstrip link and press the Enter button by opening it. There you will have an option called Scrollable TabStrip, remove it from the de-function and enable it, after which the browser will have to be re-launch. After relaunch, this feature will be Enable and will be able to use it.


  Twitterbot A Twitterbot sometimes spelled as ‘Twitter bot’ is a software program that sends out automated posts on Twitter.  Most Twitterbots work simply, sending out tweets periodically or responding to instances of specific phrases in user messages. More sophisticated Twitterbots perform various tasks, such as mining and analysing tweets in real time, for example Social-Bot program, incorporate artificial intelligence AI and sophisticated linguistic software to convincingly replicate human interaction.  Many Twitterbots are specialized for various purposes. Depending on what the particular purpose is, Twitterbots can be useful, informative, annoying, or dangerous just like human tweeters. There are spambots and bots designed to promote products, brands, and political candidates among a vast number of other possibilities. According to Ian Urbina, writing in The New York Times, on average, only 35 percent of the followers of any Twitter account are actual people. The remaining 65 per