WhatsApp group voice call
WhatsApp group WhatsApp updated features in its group voice call. Adding new tools to the group call feature is aimed at addressing the difficulties faced during the conversation. WhatsApp's changes to group voice calls come after improvements made year-over-year ago. WhatsApp recently released an update on WhatsApp data transfer from Android to iPhone. Now recent changes have brought out in group voice call by Messaging app. After the changes, a banner notification will now appear when a person joins the group voice call. Earlier it was possible that if the conversation were going on extensively and offscreen, someone would be left attending the call and you would go on talking without this idea. Now a large notification will appear to indicate that someone has joined the call. It will be in big chats and will happen even if no one's name is on the list appearing on the screen. WhatsApp will soon introduce another feature that will turn off other people's voices. This m...